3 Tips To Keep Teeth From Shifting

3 Tips To Keep Teeth From Shifting featured image

You can stop your teeth from shifting out of place if you follow the right plan of action. Take cues from the experts and follow these proven tips. 

Get Fitted For A Retainer Or Night Guard
Whether your teeth are straight, or you’re just starting to notice minimal movement, Los Altos, CA, cosmetic dentist Joseph Field, DDS, says that wearing a retainer can help. “Retainers hold the teeth in position and prevent issues that arise with misalignment,” he adds. In addition to limiting or averting your teeth from moving, a retainer can also help alleviate headaches and pain associated with TMJ. Night guards work similarly, keeping teeth in their proper positions, while also offering the advantage of helping to stop grinding.

Take Care Of Your Teeth
Daily brushing and flossing remove any trapped food and bacteria that could cause problems later on. “At the first sign of bleeding gums (from flossing), you must floss until the floss is clean,” says New York cosmetic denitist Bijan Gohari, DMD, adding that it’s important to see a dentist regularly to make sure your oral health is good. If you start to notice that floss slips with no resistance and you have food collecting in a certain area, San Francisco cosmetic dentist Niloufer Hamsayeh, DDS, says to have your dentist take a look because it’s probably the start of a shifting tooth.

Get Regular Cleanings
Visiting your dentist for regular cleanings is important for a healthy smile. Not only do professional cleanings dislodge trapped bacteria and remove decay from around the teeth, but they also allow your dentist to assess any bone loss or potential gum disease. Atlanta cosmetic dentist Ronald Goldstein, DDS, says that diligent home care is just as important as professional cleanings, which should be done three to four times per year.

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